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Showing posts from September, 2019

Faith and Uncertainty & Alex Edelman

Alex Edelman is an American comedian who seems to be doing quite well in Britain. I came across him in an episode of As Yet Untitled (an English chat show) and then stumbled upon a comedy bit he did about coming out. He's not gay, but it's a funny bit. The premise is that he comes out every year at Thanksgiving to annoy his uncle, who hates gay people. It's become a tradition such that; "The turkey come out, the potatoes come out, I come out." No doubt about it, he's cute too...and some of the comments talk about that, one reading "I kept staring at his butt." Hey, if he's gonna do a routine about Coming Out, that's what's gonna happen! But let's not objectify him too quickly. I next stumbled on a radio series on the BBC (you can hear it online) called Alex Edelman's Special Relationships . It's a chat show with a variety of guests discussing a topic. Actually, it's sort of like As Yet Untitled . The episode on F...

This article rewrites very little of what we knew about the end of The Beatles

This week, an article appeared hyping an audio tape of one of the last meetings of The Beatles during their final days, and the article makes the claim : 'This tape rewrites everything we knew about the Beatles." Before I go into full beast mode, let me note that no transcription or audio recording of the tape is provided, so maybe it does change 'everything we knew' about the end of The Beatles, but what is presented, does not change everything we know. Not by a long shot. Synopsis: The article makes the claim that it's accepted history that The Beatles knew that Abbey Road was going to be their final album ( Abbey Road is regarded by fans as their final album as it was recorded after Let It Be , even though Let It Be was released after Abbey Road .) The article goes on to talk about a recording of a business meeting just prior to the release of Abbey Road , where John and George are talking about continuing after Abbey Road , while Paul seems less than ...