Alex Edelman is an American comedian who seems to be doing quite well in Britain. I came across him in an episode of As Yet Untitled (an English chat show) and then stumbled upon a comedy bit he did about coming out. He's not gay, but it's a funny bit. The premise is that he comes out every year at Thanksgiving to annoy his uncle, who hates gay people. It's become a tradition such that; "The turkey come out, the potatoes come out, I come out." No doubt about it, he's cute too...and some of the comments talk about that, one reading "I kept staring at his butt." Hey, if he's gonna do a routine about Coming Out, that's what's gonna happen! But let's not objectify him too quickly. I next stumbled on a radio series on the BBC (you can hear it online) called Alex Edelman's Special Relationships . It's a chat show with a variety of guests discussing a topic. Actually, it's sort of like As Yet Untitled . The episode on F...