Recently, someone in a forum wrote: "For me, I feel like a piece of writing is never really finished; I feel like there's always ideas I can add, connections I can make more explicit, etc.
But sometimes I nail it the first time, too.
I guess for me it comes down to whether I have changed my mind about what I've written."
This prompted someone to reply with a quote:
"A movie is never finished, just released." ― Orson Welles
That quote reminded me of one of my favorite quotes, so I posted it:
"Art is never finished, only abandoned." ― Leonardo da Vinci
This is where things got interesting, because someone then posted this quote:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." ― Michael Scott
What? It's a great quote, sure, but what does it have to do with the topic being discussed? Yeah, maybe it relates to "sometimes I nail it the first time," but that wasn't really what the original post was about, or what the conversation had been about.
And then someone followed up with:
"60% of the time it works, every time." ― Brian Fantana
??? Is it just me, or have things gone completely off the rails? I'm starting to think that this thread could continue to evolve until we get to something like:
“99 percent of all statistics only tell 49 percent of the story.” ― Ron DeLegge
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